
Body Fat Percentage Calculator

Step 1: Enter general details

Age: Weight:

Step 2: Choose a calculation method and enter measurements

If you need a fat caliper, we highly recommend the Accu-Measure Fitness 3000.
Naval Research Tape Measurement
Durnim/Womersley 4-Site Fat Caliper
Parillo 9-Site Fat Caliper
Jackson/Pollock 3-Site Fat Caliper
Jackson/Pollock 4-Site Fat Caliper
Jackson/Pollock 7-Site Fat Caliper
Yuhasz 6-Site Fat Caliper
Slaughter-Lohman 2-Site Fat Caliper

Further Analysis of Your Results

After calculating your body fat percentage you will be given a link to your very own personalized health and fitness report, which we highly recommend you check out. This will give a more detailed analysis of your current body fat levels based on the information you've entered, and will also give a list of recommendations for achieving a more healthy lifestyle and obtaining the body fat percentage that you want.

Looking to lose weight fast? You might also want to check out our Health and Fitness Store, which is powered by Amazon and contains the best weight loss products at the cheapest prices.
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