
Reviews > Pull-Up Bar
P90X Chin-up Max - Pull up Assist Band

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Beachbody have created quite a few pull-up bars in the past few years. The P90X Chin-up Max - Pull up Assist Band is definitely among their more highly regarded ones. This review will attempt to compare this product with other Pull-Up Bars that are the most similar. Up to date data will also be listed for this bar which should make it a bit easier to determine if it's worthy of purchasing for you.


Beachbody are among the finest makers of pull-up bars, and the P90X Chin-up Max - Pull up Assist Band shows this. Almost every pull-up bar by them is astounding.

Product Comparison

Below you can find a table of similar pull-up bars. This can be useful in figuring out how the P90X Chin-up Max - Pull up Assist Band relates to other pull-up bars.

NameP90X Chin-up Max - Pull up Assist BandDeluxe Door friendly CXP Chin Up Bar 2013 ModelUltimate Body Press Wall or Ceiling Mounted Pull Up Bar
Overall Score95 out of 100
89 out of 100
89 out of 100
Popularity Score98 out of 100
91 out of 100
91 out of 100
Price Score96 out of 100
91 out of 100
87 out of 100
Best PriceShow cheapest priceShow cheapest priceShow cheapest price
Part NumberACCCHIN2102SGSC008-V3
Release Date2012-01-27
ColorDark Gray
BrandBeachbodyYes4AllUltimate Body Press
Product Image
Sales Rank103014057570924
Data Last Updated2014-08-252014-08-252014-08-25
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Do you normally do a comparison of numerous items before purchasing one, always in search of the one with the ideal selling price? You aren't the only one. A great pull-up bar needs to be priced just right. This item fits this condition correctly. You're likely to have a tough time uncovering another which is as good value as this one.


It's wonderful choosing a product that's more well-known than most, because this means it's most likely of higher quality. Taking a look at other customer's feedback is definitely essential, so it's often advisable to get a more well known product. A product that has higher product sales is also usually very likely to be worth buying.

The P90X Chin-up Max - Pull up Assist Band is highly regarded amongst other consumers, and that's why it's very popular. It's one of the best pull-up bars you can use, according to other users.

155 users have written a review for this product, and looking at their reviews is usually extremely helpful when determining if this is the right pull-up bar to purchase.


Dependability is always critical in any pull-up bar. Acquire an undependable item and you aren't going to be in a position to count on it when it's required. Don't fret, you'll find ample excellence with the P90X Chin-up Max - Pull up Assist Band. Other buyers say the P90X Chin-up Max - Pull up Assist Band remains to be working wonderfully ever since they first obtained it 12 months previously. This product is recognized for being well-performing, and will certainly survive for many years. You aren't going to be required to upgrade this one for a long time.


You might want to carry out some further analysis so that you can buy this product. You might want to look into the user reviews to see what they say regarding it. Despite the fact that we've given this product a reasonably high ranking, it's always best to see what various other owners are saying about it. If you'd like the top bargains on selling prices and shipping fees then certainly is the location to search.
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